October Governor Blog by Mrs Sumnall

Date: 8th Nov 2022 @ 9:33pm

Over the past year it has been a great pleasure to act as an observer at Governor meetings.  It has allowed me to see first-hand how Governors oversee all of the strategic decisions of the school.  We have a committed governing body at Boughton Heath who offer their support, challenge, commitment and involvement, ensuring each child gets the best deal they can in our school.

I have been part of the Boughton Heath family for many years. I have recently taken on the role of Vice Principal and I am proud to work in such a fantastic, forward-thinking school, within a team of hardworking and committed staff, and most importantly, wonderful childrenand parents.

As Vice Principal, I am lucky enough to work across the school, seeing all the wonderful experiences on offer to our children.  The children have all settled brilliantly into the new academic year and are thriving from all that is being offered to them.  Already this term we have seen many wonderful things happening in school.  A new outdoor gym has been installed which has brought much enjoyment along with promoting physical exercise.  The EYFS outdoor area has benefitted from an amazing tree house with a huge sandpit which is proving very popular and will enhance their learning experiences.  It has been wonderful to see school trips, share the learning and sporting competitions taking place.  

I run the School and Eco Councils within school which I thoroughly enjoy.  It is so important that children have a voice and we can improve their school experience through finding out their views.  We have started off the year with the Council teams finding out, in their classes, what makes them happy in school and what we could do to improve.  They have come back with some fabulous ideas which they are going to pitch to Mr Lenton...from school pets to longer playtimes...watch this space!

All classes are producing wonderful work gaining knowledge and skills through quality, planned teaching.  From learning about the History of Chester Zoo to finding out and understanding Migration across Europe, children are immersed in challenging, active and engaging lessons.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the school.

Sally Sumnall

Happy to hear from you!

Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

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Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Acting Executive Headteacher | Jon Lenton

Acting Head of School | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell