Child Absence

As a school we encourage full attendance wherever possible in order that our pupils are able to take full advantage of school and gain the appropriate skills which will equip them for life. 

Any absence should be reported to the school office before 9am on each morning of the absence, this is particularly important if reporting a COVID absence.  A message can be left on the absence answerphone line on 01244 732000 option 1. If no message is left then one of our admin team will try to get in contact with you before 9.30am. If your child is absent due to  sickness and diarrohea, we ask that they not return for 48 hours following the last episode.

Sickness Guidance

When should my child return to school when they’ve been ill?

We know that when your child has been ill it’s important to take steps to make sure they’re well enough to be at school, but also that they’re not at risk of spreading any infection or illness. We also know that the guidelines are complicated and it’s not easy to find out when your child can return to school or even if they need to be kept away.

NHS South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Vale Royal CCG have been working with schools to develop a quick guide that can inform how long a child should be off school or nursery with certain, common illnesses.

You can see this guide here

Family Holidays During Term-Time

Parents and carers are advised that term time holiday requests will be denied except for exceptional cirucmstances (see below) and a fine may be imposed.  Any parents, who choose to remove their children from school, may have a fixed penalty notice issued if the absence is for 5 days or more. A child or young person who is absent longer than 5 days after an agreed return date, can legally be removed from the school roll and the parent/carer may be liable to prosecution. Exceptional Circumstances for absence from school which are dictated by Department for Education guidance.

The following are all at the Head Teacher’s discretion:

(a) Services leave

(b) Family crisis (Looked After Child, adoption, bereavement, severe medical needs)

Any application for leave should be made on an absence request form and sent to the school office a minimum of 14 days before the first day of expected absence.

Happy to hear from you!

Boughton Heath AcademyBeckett's Lane, Chester, CH3 5RW

Get In Touch

By Phone 01244 732000 By Email Contact

Mrs Levi and Miss Pearson

Admin Officers

Who We Are

We are proud to be a part of
Cheshire Academies Trust.

Acting Executive Headteacher | Jon Lenton

Acting Head of School | Sally Sumnall

Chair of Governors | Kate Lee

SENDCO | Susan Gell